Pros and Cons of Recording Employees Screens with Screen Recording Apps

The best screen recording and spying app can work wonders to help entrepreneurs manage and monitor every single social media activity of employees.

An Inc. post reveals that employers in the U.S are using more spying and monitoring apps than employees can realize. The post shows that Tesla has evidence against the alleged breach of trust and using screen recording software to monitor the digital activities of employees.

Alfresco also performed research by surveying 300 I.T professionals whether they are being monitored by their company digitally? Almost 98% of the participants admitted that they monitor their team members’ screen time.

This means many entrepreneurs have been experimenting with different screen recording apps to check their employees’ activities, a good employee tracking tool can help them to monitor and manage products effectively.

Managing and controlling screen time activities of employees is pivotal amidst these challenging times to prevent workers from many time-wasting activities. If you are a business owner or a project manager concerned about the unproductive or needless activities of your team members, then this post can show you how to use technology to cure that workplace ill.

The Use of Reliable Screen Recording App is the Key to Productivity

The spyware developers are producing new tools every day that offer many beneficial features to employers to record their employees’ screen activities. The best screen recording and spying apps are packed with monitoring, tracking, controlling options to correct the behavior of employees.

Let us dig deeper into the pros and cons of screen recording software and applications to help employers perform tight surveillance of their workers. Read ahead to know how much screen recording apps can become a blessing for employees and what are their disadvantages.

Pros of Screen Recording Apps

Employers can easily supervise and monitor employees’ cell phones by taking screenshots of their social media messages and instant messenger texts. As long as you are connected to the Internet, employers can capture every single activity of their employees or take screenshots of their tasks completed on company-provided smartphones.

Many employee monitoring apps offer to capture real-time screenshots and prohibit displeased workers to leak sensitive and confidential information. Tracking cell phones becomes a piece of cake with the best screen recording and spying app. Employers can capture their employees’ activities remotely, anytime, anywhere, all around the clock.

By logging into your online account, you can easily see all the live activities performed on their screens. All you need to do is to sign in to your confidential spyware account and using your smartphone or computer and access screenshots of the target devices.

Moreover, you can also monitor social media messages and real-time screenshots such as Facebook and Snapchat messages. If potential customers are chatting via social media platforms, then your chat support executives must focus on resolving their queries. If sales reps are not converting, then their actions must be corrected.

Cons of Screen Recording Software

When employers monitor employees’ screens without precaution, there are serious disadvantages or problems they have to face.

For example, excessive screen recording and monitoring of employees leads to privacy concerns and a lack of interest. The reason?

Most employees are not pleased when they discover spyware apps on their smartphones or computers tracking their every activity. This is also true for employees who discover screen recording tools for the first time. So, if your employees’ previous organizations trusted them and did not record their screen time activities, they would surely question your actions!

Does the question arise whether you can monitor them without consent? Is ethical to use a screen recording tool in stealth mode? Well, more than ethical, it’s illegal.

The fact is that not telling employees about this activity can reduce their trust and loyalty to the company. This can also create severe legal issues if your state laws do not agree with your actions.

Whether you are using CCTV cameras or screen recording apps, you are invading employees’ privacy without consent. This shows that there could be some legal implications here. In many U.S states, employee monitoring is allowed with some terms and conditions. The best way to go about this is to take your employees’ consent.

So What Can We Conclude?

Recording smartphone IM messages and screen activities of your employees can surely help you analyze productivity. However, privacy concerns are increasing across the U.S with the widespread use of screen monitoring tools. To avoid being less intrusive and wittier, employers can use screen recording apps and tools with employees’ consent.

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